Friday, May 22, 2009

The Sting

May 22, 2009 -

After three days off due to the ick, I felt well enough today to attempt to train again. I was concerned that my stomach still felt like garbage (keeping me a little grouchy), and that I have barely eaten anything the last few days so I had to be low on fuel.

But whatever, this is Ironman training we are talking about here. I made up a run that was supposed to be from Wednesday. I thought a nice easy run would be the test of getting back out there; plus it was a gorgeous day.

The run went pretty well, until this a-hole bee came torpedoing out of nowhere toward my face and in an instant slammed into my left eyebrow with a sting. What a jerk bee. This thing came so fast, I was still in mid-swat when he stung me. Talk about insult to injury. My stomach had its own issues....but a bee sting....really?

Day 142 Training Log - I hit an 80 minute run today where the first hour (outside the bee sting), went relatively well. My stomach was a little weird, but ok for the most part. The last 20 minutes I could definitely feel my legs losing fuel. I ended up with 9.44 miles at an 8:28 pace. I pretty much got my appetite back by evening time, however some things which I'm really craving, sound horrible. I have a lot of trianing groud to make-up so I hope this goes away soon.

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